Mobile Site For Mobile World - How to design and code your next site and/or web app. What are the important things to focus on.
All the cool stuff around Google cloud platform. High level overview on all the benefits.
Psst... Here is a
full tutorial on
Cloud Endpoints
It's a world that becoming mobile really fast. These slides focus on How you can build friendly mobile sites, and what type of advice and resources are best.
It's a world that becoming mobile ONLY.
1) make sure your site are built to 'mobile first'.
2) Performance: Get content to the user as quickly.
Here are the slides from a talk I gave at Campus TLV. It is s a summary of web fundamentals is offering developers at the first step of building your first multi screen site.
Google APIs, Services and Platform Update. These slides cover the main APIs: Android, Chrome, Cloud, YouTube, Maps, Google+ and Wallet.
Covering how to work on migrating, backups and archive your important data to Google Cloud Storage: Copying / Migrating Data, Object Composition and Durable Reduced Availability Storage.
List of Talks from Conferences, Google Developers Days, GTUGs, Meetups and everything in between.
Some demo
projects and real-live web apps. In between, chrome extensions and other HTML5 'prof of concept'
For more checkout
my github page
My book -
Web Workers (June 2012)
Multithreaded Programs in JavaScript.
Some post I'm writing on my blog, html5rock and other places around the web. I'll also fetch here
all the updates on Chrome, ChromeOS and HTML5 that I'm finding around the block.